
Here we present a high-resolution record of benthic foraminiferal assemblages for the last 74 kyr from the Sicily Channel Ocean Drilling Program Leg 160 Site 963. Benthic foraminiferal results are compared with geochemical (benthic and planktic δ 18 O and δ 13 C) and calcareous plankton data, previously acquired on the same marine core sediments. Within the succession, three benthic foraminifera compositional zones were defined. Temporal changes in the assemblages are interpreted in the context of the modification of subtropical and temperate climate systems that affected the Mediterranean thermohaline circulation. A close connection between bottom conditions in the Sicily Channel and eastern Mediterranean Sea is evident in two intervals, characterized in the ODP Site 963 by reduced oxygen conditions. The first one, around 53–51 ka, is tentatively attributed to the ‘missing’ sapropel S2 while the second, between 35 and 29 ka, is marked by short and recurrent episodes of bottom-water oxygen decrease. Both are related to a weakening of the intermediate circulation in the Sicily Channel connected with relatively high northern hemisphere summer insolation and increase in Nile River discharge, which inhibited vertical mixing and intermediate water ventilation in Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Over the last deglaciation, the African humid period (AHP) and the sea level rise, also influenced the water mass structure in the Sicily Channel and a reduction of the bottom ventilation is suggested by a strong reduction of deep-water Miliolids. Decreased bottom oxygen levels, which testifies for a weakening of intermediate circulation in Sicily Strait, also characterized the interval corresponding to S1 deposition. Yet, the strong decrease of benthic foraminiferal abundance related to a low surface water trophic level, appears to be conditioned by the reduction of trophic levels in the western Mediterranean. The very high relative abundance of U. mediterranea recorded during this interval is explained by the availability of organic matter during a limited short year period and/or the availability of more degraded organic matter from river runoff. In general, compositional data analysis highlighted a quite complex response of benthic foraminifera to paleoclimatic changes. However, changes in the benthic foraminiferal assemblages recorded during the last glacial are coherent with surface paleoproductivity dynamics connected with D-O oscillation, and support oligotrophic, meso-eutrophic and oligo-mesotrophic conditions during the early interstadials, late interstadials and stadials, respectively. • High-resolution ODP963 (Sicily Channel) Last Glacial to Holocene benthic record. • Dansgaard-Oeschger imprints in bottom environments. • Connection between western and eastern Mediterranean dynamics. • Relationships between Levantine Intermediate Water flow and bottom ventilation.

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