
We study the symmetry energy and the core-crust transition in neutron stars using the finite-range Gogny nuclear interaction and examine the deduced crustal thickness and crustal moment of inertia. We start by analyzing the second-, fourth- and sixth-order coefficients of the Taylor expansion of the energy per particle in powers of the isospin asymmetry for Gogny forces. These coefficients provide information about the departure of the symmetry energy from the widely used parabolic law. The neutron star core-crust transition is evaluated by looking at the onset of thermodynamical instability of the liquid core. The calculation is performed with the exact (i.e., without Taylor expansion) Gogny EoS for the core, and also with its Taylor expansion in order to assess the influence of isospin expansions on locating the inner edge of neutron star crusts. It is found that the properties of the core-crust transition derived from the exact EoS differ from the predictions of the Taylor expansion even when the expansion is carried through sixth order in the isospin asymmetry. Gogny forces, using the exact EoS, predict the ranges $0.094 \text{ fm}^{-3} \lesssim \rho_t \lesssim 0.118\text{ fm}^{-3}$ for the transition density and $0.339 \text{ MeV fm}^{-3} \lesssim P_t \lesssim 0.665 \text{ MeV fm}^{-3}$ for the transition pressure. The transition densities show an anticorrelation with the slope parameter $L$ of the symmetry energy. The transition pressures are not found to correlate with $L$. Neutron stars obtained with Gogny forces have maximum masses below $1.74M_\odot$ and relatively small moments of inertia. The crustal mass and moment of inertia are evaluated and comparisons are made with the constraints from observed glitches in pulsars.

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