
AbstractA study of the generalized global flavor symmetries of the Standard Model is initiated. The presence of nonzero triangle diagrams between the U(3)5 flavor currents and the hypercharge current intertwines them in the form of a higher‐group which mixes the zero‐form flavor symmetries with the one‐form magnetic hypercharge symmetry. This higher symmetry structure greatly restricts the possible flavor symmetries that may remain unbroken in any ultraviolet completion that includes magnetic monopoles. In the context of unification, this implies tight constraints on the combinations of fermion species which may be joined into multiplets. Three of four elementary possibilities are reflected in the classic unification models of Georgi–Glashow, , and Pati–Salam. The final pattern is realized non‐trivially in trinification, which exhibits the sense in which Standard Model Yukawa couplings which violate these flavor symmetries may be thought of as spurions of the higher‐group. Such modifications of the ultraviolet flavor symmetries are possible only if new vector‐like matter is introduced with masses suppressed from the unification scale by the Yukawa couplings.

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