
This study aims to explore any relevant information related to higher education policies in Thailand in promoting ASEAN Community. The study was guided by three broad questions: (1) What is the background of current higher education policies in Thailand; (2) What are the key domestic higher education policies currently in place that could be relevant to the AC; and (3) What could be some foreseeable challenges to the implementation of higher education policies promoting the AC? A qualitative approach was employed using document analyses and in-depth interviews with relevant government officials. The findings provide readers with a broad background on higher education in Thailand and the country?s formulation of higher education policies for supporting the AC, as well as an overview of the latest National Education Reform (2009-2018) that emphasizes Thailand?s potential to play a more active role as an higher education hub that develops human resources with the knowledge and skills sought by ASEAN countries. In addition, the study looks at current factors in the existing Thai higher education system that could potentially act as barriers in the implementation of policies promoting the AC, such as the English-language proficiency of Thai graduates; lack of manpower in technical and vocational fields; teacher preparation and quality assessment; and quality of higher education.

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