
The purpose of the article is the development of the concept and fundamentals of the innovatics of higher education, further development, and improvement of higher education innovatics, the definition of directions, and management of innovations in the field of higher education and science. Higher education innovatics, proposed by the authors, studies and summarizes theoretical issues and practices of implementing and managing innovation activities of higher educational institutions, scientific institutions, organizations and management bodies associated with the higher education system. This article analyzes innovative changes in the higher education system caused by the environment of academic capitalism. Among them: basic issues of the organizational theory of higher education innovatics; analysis of the direction and impact of innovation processes in the field of higher education and science on the objects and subjects of innovative transformations; the role of the state in the management of innovation activities in the field of higher education and science; types of innovations in the higher education system that can lead to innovative changes; innovations of economic and market type in higher education; innovations of organizational type in the higher education sphere; innovations of educational and pedagogical type in the system of higher education; means and tools for innovation management in education; problems of the forced or emergency distance learning, etc.Innovative activity in the field of higher education and science leads to serious innovative transformations both in the entire field of higher education and science, and in its subjects – universities, research institutes, and related organizations and institutions.

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