
We generalize the Watanabe–Strogatz (WS) transform, which acts on the Kuramoto model in d = 2 dimensions, to a higher-dimensional vector transform which operates on vector oscillator models of synchronization in any dimension , for the case of identical frequency matrices. These models have conserved quantities constructed from the cross ratios of inner products of the vector variables, which are invariant under the vector transform, and have trajectories which lie on the unit sphere Sd−1. Application of the vector transform leads to a partial integration of the equations of motion, leaving independent equations to be solved, for any number of nodes N. We discuss properties of complete synchronization and use the reduced equations to derive a stability condition for completely synchronized trajectories on Sd−1. We further generalize the vector transform to a mapping which acts in and in particular preserves the unit ball , and leaves invariant the cross ratios constructed from inner products of vectors in . This mapping can be used to partially integrate a system of vector oscillators with trajectories in , and for d = 2 leads to an extension of the Kuramoto system to a system of oscillators with time-dependent amplitudes and trajectories in the unit disk. We find an inequivalent generalization of the Möbius map which also preserves but leaves invariant a different set of cross ratios, this time constructed from the vector norms. This leads to a different extension of the Kuramoto model with trajectories in the complex plane that can be partially integrated by means of fractional linear transformations.

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