
Thermoelectric materials harvest waste heat and convert it into reusable electricity. Thermoelectrics are also widely used in inverse ways such as refrigerators and cooling electronics. However, most popular and known thermoelectric materials to date were proposed and found by intuition, mostly through experiments. Unfortunately, it is extremely time and resource consuming to synthesize and measure the thermoelectric properties through trial-and-error experiments. Here, we develop a convolutional neural network (CNN) classification model that utilizes the fused orbital field matrix and composition descriptors to screen a large pool of materials to discover new thermoelectric candidates with power factor higher than 10 μW/cm K2. The model used our own data generated by high-throughput density functional theory calculations coupled with ab initio scattering and transport package to obtain electronic transport properties without assuming constant relaxation time of electrons, which ensures more reliable electronic transport properties calculations than previous studies. The classification model was also compared to some traditional machine learning algorithms such as gradient boosting and random forest. We deployed the classification model on 3465 cubic dynamically stable structures with non-zero bandgap screened from Open Quantum Materials Database. We identified many high-performance thermoelectric materials with ZT > 1 or close to 1 across a wide temperature range from 300 to 700 K and for both n- and p-type doping with different doping concentrations. Moreover, our feature importance and maximal information coefficient analysis demonstrates two previously unreported material descriptors, namely, mean melting temperature and low average deviation of electronegativity, that are strongly correlated with power factor and thus provide a new route for quickly screening potential thermoelectrics with high success rate. Our deep CNN model with fused orbital field matrix and composition descriptors is very promising for screening high power factor thermoelectrics from large-scale hypothetical structures.

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