
Heavy metal contamination affects microbial composition and diversity. The interaction between heavy metal contamination and soil microorganisms has been a hot topic in ecological research. Battery manufacturing has been going on for over six decades in Xinxiang City, resulting in severe soil heavy metal contamination due to battery wastewater runoff. Few studies have investigated the effect of heavy metal contamination due to long-term battery wastewater runoff on microbial diversity and metabolomics in Xinxiang City. In this study, we collected samples from three heavy metal contaminated sites in Xinxiang City and found that Cd and Pb exceeded the recommended thresholds by 34-66 fold and 1.5-2.32 fold, respectively. High-throughput sequencing showed that Bacillus, Arthrobacter, Sphingomonas, and Streptomyces were the dominant bacteria genera, while Olpidium, Plectosphaerella, and Gibellulopsis were the dominant fungi genera, indicating that heavy metal contaminated soil in Xinxiang City was rich in heavy metal tolerant bacteria and fungi due to the long-term heavy metal stress. Correlation analysis showed that total Cu, DTPA extract Cu, and water soluble Pb were significant factors in bacterial diversity, while total Cd, total Ni, total Pb, total Zn, DTPA extract Cu, and water soluble Pb were significant factors in fungal diversity. To better understand the effect of heavy metal contamination on the metabolism of soil microorganisms, we conducted non-targeted metabolomic profiling, which showed significant differences in metabolites across the samples. Pathway enrichment analysis showed that these differential metabolites were involved in pathways such as metabolism, environmental information processing, and genetic Information Processing, which may play a role in heavy metal stress mitigation and environmental adaptation.

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