
We have developed an integrated label-free, real-time sensing system that is able to monitor multiple biomolecular binding events based on the changes in the intensity of extraordinary optical transmission (EOT) through nanohole arrays. The core of the system is a sensing chip containing multiple nanohole arrays embedded within an optically thick gold film, where each array functions as an independent sensor. Each array is a square array containing 10 x 10 nanoholes (150 nm in diameter), occupying a total area of 3.3 mum x 3.3 mum. The integrated system includes a laser light source, a temperature-regulated flow cell encasing the sensing chip, motorized optics, and a charge-coupled detector (CCD) camera. For demonstration purposes, sensing chips containing 25 nanohole arrays were studied for their use in multiplexed detection, although the sensing chip could be easily populated to contain up to 20 164 nanohole arrays within its 0.64 cm2 sensing area. Using this system, we successfully recorded 25 separate binding curves between glutathione S-transferase (GST) and anti-GST simultaneously in real time with good sensitivity. The system responds to binding events in a concentration-dependent manner, showing a sharp linear response to anti-GST at concentrations ranging from 13 to 290 nM. The EOT intensity-based approach also enables the system to monitor multiple bindings simultaneously and continuously, offering a temporal resolution on milliseconds scale that is decided only by the camera speed and exposure time. The small footprint of the sensing arrays combined with the EOT intensity-based approach enables the system to resolve binding events that occurred on nanohole sensing arrays spaced 96 mum apart, with a reasonable prediction of resolving binding events spaced 56 mum apart. This work represents a new direction that implements nanohole arrays and EOT intensity to meet high-throughput, spatial and temporal resolution, and sensitivity requirements in drug discovery and proteomics studies.

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