
SiC power semiconductors have the capability of greatly outperforming Si-based power devices. Faster switching and smaller on-state losses coupled with higher voltage blocking and temperature capabilities, make SiC a very attractive semiconductor for high performance, high power density power modules. However, the temperature capabilities and increased power density are fully utilized only when the gate driver is placed next to the SiC devices. This requires the gate driver to successfully operate under these extreme conditions with reduced or no heat sinking requirements, allowing the full realization of a high efficiency, high power density SiC power module. In addition, since SiC devices are usually connected in a half or full bridge configuration, the gate driver should provide electrical isolation between the high and low voltage sections of the driver itself. This paper presents a 225 degrees Celsius operable, Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) high voltage isolated gate driver IC for SiC devices. The IC was designed and fabricated in a 1 μm, partially depleted, CMOS process. The presented gate driver consists of a primary and a secondary side which are electrically isolated by the use of a transformer. The gate driver IC has been tested at a switching frequency of 200 kHz at 225 degrees Celsius while exhibiting a dv/dt noise immunity of at least 45 kV/μs.

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