
AbstractVitrification has become the international method of choice for the immobilization of highlevel nuclear wastes (HLW) from both commercial and defense fuel reprocessing activities. However, there are clear economic incentives for "next-generation" melters that might achieve increased waste loadings and higher throughput rates. In addition, BNFL is investigating potential immobilization processes for projected high-zirconium waste streams that would be generated from advanced nuclear fuel reprocessing processes. One approach towards addressing both of these challenges is waste vitrification at temperatures above the limits that are imposed on all currently operating HLW melters (around 1100 -1200°C). A unique high-temperature joule-heated melter that has been operating at the Vitreous State Laboratory for several years was used to conduct a matrix of tests designed to address these issues. The tests used simulants of two reprocessing waste streams: (i) A blend of "Magnox" and "Oxide" wastes, similar to those currently being vitrified at BNFL's Sellafield site; and (ii) The projected high-zirconium wastes. Each type of waste was investigated both as a wet slurry feed using chemical additives and as a dry calcined waste feed mixed with glass frit. Three target glass compositions were designed for these tests in order to permit processing over a wide range of temperatures. Data were collected on processing rates, off-gas composition, glass product composition and product quality, as well as on general processing behavior. In all cases, glass production rates increased rapidly with processing temperature, typically doubling for every 100°C, and decreased with increasing water content of the feed. The glass production rates per unit melt surface area were significantly higher than those typically observed for hot-wall induction melters operating under comparable conditions. Interestingly, off-gas emissions were much greater for the slurry feeds than for the comparable solid feeds. The resulting glass products were characterized for melt viscosity and electrical conductivity, leachability by both soxhlet and PCT procedures, glass transition temperature, and the amounts and types of any secondary phases that were present.

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