
Laser absorption diagnostic methods were developed for the quantitative measurement of formaldehyde (CH2O) and acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) at high temperatures in shock tube kinetic studies. Investigation of the high-temperature CH2O spectrum has shown that the optimal wavelength for CH2O detection using commercially available lasers is near 2896cm−1. By exploiting the structural difference between the absorption spectra of CH2O and that of broadband interfering species, a two-color (2895.92cm−1 and 2895.60cm−1) interference-free detection scheme for CH2O sensing in a combustion environment was developed. A third color (32601.10cm−1) has also been added to develop a UV/IR detection scheme for combined CH3CHO/CH2O measurements. To implement these schemes, aldehyde cross-sections at all three colors were measured behind reflected shock waves over a wide span of temperatures (600–1800K) and pressures (0.8–3.6atm), with an uncertainty of ±5%, and the diagnostic schemes were validated using two controlled experiments with well-established chemistry. Applications of these diagnostics were also demonstrated in shock tube pyrolysis experiments of 1,3,5-trioxane, CH2O and CH3CHO. The unimolecular decomposition rate of 1,3,5-trioxane was determined over 869–1037K at an average pressure of 2.1atm: kI=3.58×1012 exp (−18,590K/T)s−1, with an overall uncertainty of less than 20%.

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