
The current dynamics of the development of the world economy is gaining new momentum despite the high crisis dynamics, containing financial, economic, monetary and geopolitical parameters. The factors accelerating the transformation of the global financial and economic architecture (GFEA) are high technologies, including the digital economy and artificial intelligence. The purpose of the study is to study the dynamics of the development of high technologies and its contribution to the evolution of the global financial and economic system. To conduct this analysis, the work uses a wide range of different scientific methods and approaches - the methodology of system analysis, methods of historical, logical and comparative analysis. Technologies are analyzed according to seven groups of impact on the GFEA transformation process: blockchain technologies, 3D printing, the Internet of Things, mobile broadband, cloud computing, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Their economic contribution to the processes under study is given. The activities of the Singularity University are considered as an example of a transnational think tank engaged in scientific and applied synthesis of high technologies, analysis of their prospects and consequences of their influence on the life of society. Proceeding from this, the contours of the further development of the GFEA and the strategies of behavior in the new conditions are given.

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