
Some bridges have to withstand high levels of torsion forces. As a consequence, box type beams are often the obvious solution. It could be possible that the balance of transversal to longitudinal torsion reinforcement is not fully reached. If the transversal reinforcement is somehow underestimated, the box beam needs to be transversally strengthened. From the various solutions, external transversal reinforcement is certainly one possibility. The investigation presented here aimed to study such solution. The authors tested four hollow beams under pure torsion. The level of the non balanced ratio between internal longitudinal and transversal torsion reinforcement was one of the parameters that were considered in this investigation. Other parameter was the existence or the no existence of external transversal strengthening reinforcement. The experimental results of the tests have shown the effectiveness of the use of the external transversal strengthening steel reinforcement to compensate the lack of balance of internal transversal to longitudinal torsion reinforcement with respect to various behaviour aspects, such as: increasing of torque strength, increasing of ductility, increasing of cracking torsion moment, and better distribution of cracking. Santrauka Kai kurie tiltai turi atlaikyti dideles sukimo jėgas. Tam tikslui dažnai naudojamos dėžinio skerspjūvio sijos. Gali būti, kad tarp sukimui atlaikyti naudojamos skersinės ir išilginės armatūros ne visada pasiekiamas tinkamas balansas. Jei skersinė sija armuota nepakankamai, dėžinio skerspjūvio sijas gali tekti papildomai stiprinti. Vienas iš įvairių galimų stiprinimo variantų – armavimas išorine skersine armatūra. Šiame straipsnyje pateikiama tokio stiprinimo analizė. Autoriai išbandė keturias grynojo sukimo veikiamas dėžinio skerspjūvio sijas. Vienas iš tyrimo parametrų – skersinės ir išilginės sukimo armatūrų santykio nesubalansuotumo lygis. Kitas parametras – išorinės skersinės stiprinimo armatūros buvimas arba nebuvimas. Eksperimentinių tyrimų rezultatai parodė stiprinti naudojamos išorinės plieninės skersinės armatūros veiksmingumą, kompensuojant vidinės skersinės ir išilginės suktinės armatūrų tarpusavio nesubalansuotumą. Efektyvumas buvo įrodytas tokias aspektais: padidėjusi sukamoji galia ir elastingumas, padidėjęs plyšių atsiradimo sukimo momentas bei geresnis plyšių pasiskirstymas.


  • In the last century a great number of infrastructures were constructed, including many bridges

  • This paper aims at studying the global behaviour of high-strength concretes (HSC) hollow beams under pure torsion and the possibility of transversal reinforced made with external transversal steel bars

  • This study aims at evaluating experimentally the effectiveness of a transversal strengthening in hollow HSC beams under torsion, when a strong deficit of the transversal reinforcement compared to the longitudinal reinforcement needs to be compensate

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In the last century a great number of infrastructures were constructed, including many bridges. This paper aims at studying the global behaviour of HSC hollow beams under pure torsion and the possibility of transversal reinforced made with external transversal steel bars. This study aims at evaluating experimentally the effectiveness of a transversal strengthening in hollow HSC beams under torsion, when a strong deficit (in volumetric terms) of the transversal reinforcement compared to the longitudinal reinforcement needs to be compensate. The strengthening technique used in this work is not entirely effective after cracking, when compared to an equivalent and normal beam, as, for example, Beam E-1.33-1.0-0 The design of this kind of reinforcement must be carried out with care and designing rules need to be investigated.

Evolution of strains in reinforcement with twist
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