
A novel high step-up converter is presented for Distributed PV Generation Systems, which combines with a hybrid asymmetrical voltage multiplier cell (HAVMC) and a coupled inductor. HAVMC is made up of an inductor, three diodes and three capacitors. Compared with the classical voltage multiplier cell, two couple capacitors in the cell operate in asynchronous manner to charging or discharging when main switch is turned on or turned off in a switching cycle. A novel passive lossless clamped circuit (PLCC) which is composed of a diode and two capacitors is combined into the novel converter to absorb the energy stored in leakage inductor of coupled inductor, allow a continuous input current, decrease the current ripple of the input source and realize the switch turn-on naturally. Furthermore, the reverse-recovery problem of diodes is alleviated owing to the leakage inductor. Its operating principles are analyzed in detail. Then, the analysis and performance have been fully validated experimentally on a 46V/430V prototype circuit at 50 kHz switching frequency.

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