
Thirteen $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ rays with the 6.85-h half-life of $^{93}\mathrm{Mo}^{m}$ have been identified using singles and Compton suppression Ge(Li) spectrometers. The known levels of $^{93}\mathrm{Nb}$ at $949.82 (\frac{13}{{2}^{+}})$, $1335.20 (\frac{17}{{2}^{+}})$, and $1491.10 (\frac{15}{{2}^{+}})$ keV are populated by $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ rays from two levels at ($log\mathrm{ft}$ in parenthesis) 2753.15 (5.1) and 2180.2 keV (7.5), with possible spin values of $\frac{21}{{2}^{+}}$ and $\frac{19}{{2}^{+}}$, respectively. The 2753-keV level is discussed within the framework of a $\ensuremath{\pi}({g}_{\frac{9}{2}})\ensuremath{\nu}({g}_{\frac{7}{2}}{d}_{\frac{5}{2}})$ three-quasiparticle configuration.RADIOACTIVITY $^{93}\mathrm{Mo}^{\mathrm{m}}$ [From $^{90}\mathrm{Zr}(\ensuremath{\alpha}, n)$ and $^{92}\mathrm{Zr}(\ensuremath{\alpha}, 3n)$] measured $E\ensuremath{\gamma}$, $I\ensuremath{\gamma}$; deduced $log\mathrm{ft}$. $^{93}\mathrm{Nb}$ deduced levels, $J$, $\ensuremath{\pi}$. Ge(Li) and Compton suppression spectrometer.

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