
The yrast level structure of $^{216}\mathrm{Rn}$ has been studied using in-beam spectroscopy \ensuremath{\alpha}-\ensuremath{\gamma}-\ensuremath{\gamma} coincidence techniques through the $^{208}\mathrm{Pb}$($^{18}\mathrm{O}$, $2\ensuremath{\alpha}2n$) reaction in the 91--93 MeV energy range, using the 8\ensuremath{\pi} GASP-ISIS spectrometer at Legnaro. The level scheme of $^{216}\mathrm{Rn}$ resulting from this study shows alternating parity bands only above a certain excitation energy. From this result, the lightest nucleus showing evidence of octupole collectivity at low spins is still $^{216}\mathrm{Fr}$, thereby defining the lowest-mass corner for this kind of phenomenon as $N\ensuremath{\ge}129$ and $Z\ensuremath{\ge}87$.

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