
Optical examination of nine polished grain mounts of Luna‐24 drillcore material (0.09‐0.50 mm size) revealed melt inclusions in olivine crystals. Two inclusions consist of clear glass with exceptionally high Si, yet contain no visible daughter minerals, and have had no reaction effects with the olivine walls. Their compositions (one has SiO2 93.8, Al2O3 1.51, FeO 2.32, MgO 1.61, CaO 0.06, Na2O <0.05, K2O 0.11, total 99.41%; the other is similar) are unique and quite unlike the high‐Si, high‐K melt of granitic composition that is found as inclusions in late‐stage minerals of these (and the Apollo) samples, from silicate liquid immiscibility. The host olivines are Fo73 and Fo51. The origin of the melt in the inclusions and the lack of reaction effects are perplexing unsolved problems.

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