
Ciguatera fish poisoning is a frequently reported non-bacterial food-borne illness related to the consumption of seafood contaminated with ciguatoxins, and possibly maitotoxins. These toxins are synthesized by marine dinoflagellate species of Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa genera, and their abundance is a matter of great concern due to their adverse effects to aquatic life and human health. The present study aims to assess the sensitivity of rat cardiomyoblast H9c2(2−1) cells to Gambierdiscus toxic compounds using concentration- and time-dependent sulforhodamine B (SRB) colorimetric assays. Low concentrations of Gambierdiscus extracts (corresponding to 1.3–2.3 cells mL−1) induced a concentration-dependent response. Specificity in time-dependent response of H9c2(2−1) cells was demonstrated for G. excentricus after a 180 min exposure compared to both G. cf. belizeanus and G. silvae species, with EC50s obtained after 720 and 360 min, respectively. The sensitivity of H9c2(2−1) cells to dinoflagellate toxic compounds was also tested with other genera from benthic (Coolia malayensis, Ostreopsis cf. ovata, Prorocentrum hoffmannianum and P. lima) and planktonic (Amphidinium carterae and Lingulodinium polyedrum) habitats. Amphidinium, Coolia and Lingulodinium data did not present any concentration-response relationships, and EC50 values could only be obtained after 720 and 1440 min of exposure to both Prorocentrum species and O. cf. ovata, respectively. This study demonstrated that the H9c2(2−1) SRB assay represents a promising and sensitive tool for the detection of Gambierdiscus toxic compounds present in water samples, particularly of G. excentricus at very low cell abundances.

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