
The very weak ν1+4ν3 Β-type absorption band of nitrogen dioxide (14N16O2) is newly detected by high sensitivity continuous wave-cavity ring down spectroscopy between 7376 and 7550 cm−1. The noise equivalent absorption of the recordings is αmin ≈ 1 × 10−10 cm−1. The ν1+4ν3 band is the highest energy B-type absorption band of NO2 detected so far by absorption within the ground electronic state. More than 800 lines are assigned with rotational quantum numbers N and Ka up to 50 and 7, respectively, what corresponds to 1117 spin-rotation-vibration transitions. No resonance perturbation of the spectrum was observed. The fitted set of the effective Hamiltonian parameters reproduces the observed line positions with an rms of 3.7 × 10−3 cm−1. A selected set of measured line intensities are used to determine the effective dipole moment parameters including two Herman-Wallis type parameters. The rms deviation of the intensity fit is 15.2%.

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