
More than 19,700 transitions belonging to 11 isotopologues of carbon dioxide have been assigned in the room temperature absorption spectrum of highly 18O enriched carbon dioxide recorded by very high sensitivity CW-Cavity Ring Down spectroscopy between 5851 and 6990cm−1 (1.71–1.43μm). This third and last report is devoted to the analysis of the bands of five 17O containing isotopologues present at very low concentration in the studied spectra: 16O12C17O, 17O12C18O, 16O13C17O, 17O13C18O and 12C17O2 (627, 728, 637, 738 and 727 in short hand notation). On the basis of the predictions of effective Hamiltonian models, a total of 1759, 1786, 335, 273 and 551 transitions belonging to 24, 24, 5, 4 and 7 bands were rovibrationally assigned for 627, 728, 637, 738 and 727, respectively. For comparison, only five bands were previously measured in the region for the 728 species. All the identified bands belong to the ΔP=8 and 9 series of transitions, where P=2V1+V2+3V3 is the polyad number (Vi are vibrational quantum numbers). The band-by-band analysis has allowed deriving accurate spectroscopic parameters of 61 bands from a fit of the measured line positions. Two interpolyad resonance perturbations were identified.Using the newly measured line positions and those collected from the literature, the global modeling of the line positions within the effective Hamiltonian approach was performed and a new set of Hamiltonian parameters was obtained for the 17O12C18O, 16O13C17O and 17O13C18O isotopologues. For the five studied isotopologues, the effective dipole moment parameters of the ΔP=8 and 9 series were derived from a global fit of the measured line intensities. The obtained results will be used for the improvement of the quality of the line positions and intensities in the most currently used spectroscopic databases of carbon dioxide.

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