
In order to find out how different high school students' perceptions of teachers' caring behaviors affect their ability to learn and how well they do in school. A total of 259 individuals in their sophomore year of high school were chosen for the study using a convenience sample technique. Our survey data was analyzed statistically using the following instruments: teacher care behavior questionnaire, learning efficacy questionnaire, perceived stress and motivation questionnaire. There are three types of research subjects that can be classified based on how high school students perceive the pressure and motivation from teachers regarding care behavior: dynamic type, balanced type, and pressure type. The former group has high scores for both factors, while the latter has low scores for dynamic perception. There was a positive correlation (P<0.05) between the caring behavior of teachers in dynamic research subjects and learning efficacy, and a positive correlation (P<0.05) between the caring behavior of teachers in balanced research subjects and exam scores and learning efficacy. The correlation analysis revealed that the learning efficacy of balanced research subjects was positively correlated with two indicators: exam scores and class ranking, and with a positive correlation between the learning efficacy of dynamic research subjects and class ranking. The analysis of the mediating effect found that learning efficacy plays a complete mediating role in the prediction of teacher care behavior on exam scores.

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