
High-risk pregnancy is a pregnancy that is likely to cause harm or complications to the mother and fetus. Given the high rate of disease transmission, the use of telehealth technology can be an effective and efficient way to deal with the spread of the virus. Telehealth is one solution to overcome the problem of access to health, with telehealth it can perform screening to detect high-risk pregnancies early, so that pregnant women can get continuous monitoring. Telehealth can operate as a filter that is able to expand and facilitate access to services, especially in the examination and screening of risks in pregnancy and can apply high risk detection instruments in pregnancy in applications, so as to facilitate decision making. Telehealth can detect high-risk pregnancies early, so that pregnant women can get continuous monitoring. The purpose of this activity is to conduct and determine the effectiveness of telehealth-based high-risk detection in pregnant women. The method of activity is in the form of community service through webinars and screenings which are carried out within 6 months online. The result of the activity is an increase in the knowledge of webinar respondents with an average pre-test value of 120 and post-test 157 out of a total of 200. Based on the results of screening using the SIBIDAN application, from 25 pregnant women in trimesters 1,2, and 3 who became respondents, the results were 52%, low risk group, 32% high risk group, and 16% very high-risk group. Therefore, further assistance, monitoring, and referral are needed to minimize pregnancy complications.


  • Abstrak Kehamilan risiko tinggi merupakan kehamilan yang kemungkinan dapat menyebabkan terjadinya bahaya atau komplikasi terhadap ibu maupun janin

  • efficient way to deal with the spread of the virus

  • one solution to overcome the problem of access to health

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Pre Test

Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil terhadap Kehamilan Normal dan Ketidaknyamanan, Tanda Bahaya Kehamilan, Pemeriksaan Kehamilan pada Masa COVID-19, dan Telehealth. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berupa webinar series dilakukan mulai 05 Oktober s.d 07 Oktober 2021 melalui aplikasi zoom meting yang diikuti oleh 20 ibu hamil pada trimester 1 hingga trimester 3 di wilayah Lawang, Malang, Jawa Timur. Materi yang disampaikan dalam webinar dibagi dalam 4 topik antara lain kehamilan normal dan ketidaknyamanan, tanda bahaya kehamilan, pemeriksaan kehamilan pada masa COVID-19, dan telehealth. Distribusi 4 topik tersebut diolah dalam kuisioner berupa 7 pertanyaan tentang kehamilan normal dan ketidaknyamanan, 7 pertanyaan tentang tanda bahaya kehamilan, 3 pertanyaan tentang pemeriksaan kehamilan pada masa COVID-19, dan 3 pertanyaan tentang telehealth. Berdasarkan tabel tersebut menunjukkan bahwa proses pemberian konseling, informasi, dan edukasi kesehatan dalam bentuk webinar mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu hamil

Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil terhadap Kehamilan Normal dan Ketidaknyaman
Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil terhadap Tanda Bahaya Kehamilan
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