
This paper is aimed to share the socio - environmental problems faced by the residents of the high rise buildings in Hyderabad, the 5 th most populous city of Pakistan, through a “ public opinion survey ” . Alarming population growth rate in the country, rural - to - urban migration in search of better opportunities , limited availability of land in old towns and cities and limited financial resources of the occupants have encouraged the builders and even the government functionaries to address the housing problem with the construction of high rise buildings in urban cen ters . Though two studies of this nature , including one by the principal author , have been conducted in Karachi but no such information is available in the case of Hyderabad city . This study was conducted in May 2002 and the authors are aware that still more comprehensive work is needed . From the survey it is worked out that despite a number of problems faced by the residents, they do prefer to live in the high rise building apartments due to poor condition of rented houses, unplanned urban growth , and lack of facilities in suburbs. This is different as observed in Karachi where people wish to live in a house. 75% feel that high rise buildings have increased the traffic congestion and subsequent air and noise pollution in their area , and their privacy is greatly affected .

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