
A high-resolution x-ray polarimeter has been installed at the torus experiment for technology oriented research (TEXTOR-94). The instrument consists of two spectrometers in Johann geometry, utilizing the dependence of Bragg reflection on the polarization. The dispersion plane of the so-called horizontal spectrometer coincides with the midplane of the tokamak, whereas the dispersion plane of the so-called vertical spectrometer lies perpendicular to the midplane of the tokamak. Both spectrometers operate with cylindrically bent quartz crystals of dimensions 153 mm×38 mm×0.7 mm with a 2d spacing of 4.9130 Å. The radii of curvature of the horizontal and vertical spectrometer crystals are 3820 mm and 4630 mm, respectively. The detectors are multiwire proportional counters having a large entrance window of 180 mm×90 mm, with a high count rate capability of up to 2.5×105 photons/s, and a spatial resolution of 0.4–0.65 mm, depending on the count rate. The unique data acquisition system makes it possible to record up to 8192 spectra per TEXTOR-94 discharge to study fast events and impurity transport. The instruments are sensitive to spurious amounts of argon in hydrogen or deuterium discharges and aim for x-ray polarization measurements and other core plasma diagnostics like electron temperature, ion temperature, plasma rotation, impurity transport, and relative abundance of Ar15+/Ar16+. The first measurements of toroidal rotation speed, ion and electron temperatures show a very good agreement with charge exchange recombination spectroscopy (XRS) and electron cyclotron emission (ECE) diagnostics available at TEXTOR-94. The measured values of the ratio Ar15+/Ar16+ are higher than that predicted from coronal equilibrium. The ratio depends strongly upon the electron density both for ohmic and neutral beam injection cases. This suggests that the charge state distribution is also dependent on diffusion and charge exchange processes in the plasmas.

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