
Structural analysis of combinations of nucleosomes and transcription factors on promoter and enhancer elements is necessary in order to understand the molecular mechanisms responsible for the regulation of transcription initiation. Such complexes are often not amenable to study by high resolution crystallographic techniques. We have been applying electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) to specific problems in molecular biology related to transcription regulation. There are several advantages that this technique offers in studies of nucleoprotein complexes. First, an intermediate level of spatial resolution can be achieved because heavy atom contrast agents are not necessary. Second, mass and stoichiometric relationships of protein and nucleic acid can be estimated by phosphorus detection, an element in much higher proportions in nucleic acid than protein. Third, wrapping or bending of the DNA by the protein constituents can be observed by phosphorus mapping of the complexes. Even when ESI is used with high exposure of electrons to the specimen, important macromolecular information may be provided. For example, an image of the TATA binding protein (TBP) bound to DNA is shown in the Figure (top panel). It can be seen that the protein distorts the DNA away from itself and much of its mass sits off the DNA helix axis. Moreover, phosphorus and mass estimates demonstrate whether one or two TBP molecules interact with this particular promoter TATA sequence.

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