
This work describes the ammonite and benthic foraminiferal assemblages recorded across the Aalenian–Bajocian boundary of the Serra da Boa Viagem II section, located about 6 km to the east of the Bajocian GSSP (Murtinheira, Portugal), and calibrated to the standard ammonite zonation previously established for the Lusitanian Basin. A total of 220 ammonite specimens referred to 30 fossiliferous levels were collected and identified throughout the section, enabling the recognition of the Concavum Zone (Concavum and Limitatum subzones) of the upper Aalenian, and the Discites Zone of the lower Bajocian. A total of 2356 foraminifers were obtained from the 16 samples collected along the section, corresponding to 4 suborders, 8 families, 16 genera and 44 species.The occurrence of Lenticulina quenstedti (Gümbel) has enabled the recognition of the Lenticulina quenstedti Zone, ranging from the Bradfordensis Zone (middle Aalenian) to the lower Discites Zone (lower Bajocian). The first record of Ramulina spandeli Paalzow, whose occurrence, up to now, was limited in the Lusitanian Basin to the Murtinheira section (the Bajocian GSSP), highlights the usefulness of the Ramulina spandeli Zone, with its lower boundary referred to the lower Discites Zone (lower Bajocian). Other bioevents displaying local, basinal or regional biostratigraphic interest have also been identified.The benthic foraminiferal record here presented, accurately calibrated with the ammonite record, aims at contributing to support the recognition of the Lenticulina quenstedti Zone and the Ramulina spandeli Zone as formal biostratigraphic units integrating the biostratigraphic scale based on benthic foraminifers for the Aalenian–Bajocian boundary in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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