
Osteoporosis, sarcopenia, and cardiovascular disease are frequent comorbidities in COPD. Considering routine x-ray as a simple tool to access vertebral fractures and vascular calcification, the rate and severity of abdominal aortic calcification (AAC) and its association with musculoskeletal outcomes were investigated in COPD patients. Ninety-six COPD patients (44 men and 52 women, 65.8 (51-83) and 64.3 (44-85) years-old, respectively) underwent spirometry, laboratory workout, bone mineral density (BMD) measurements with body composition analysis, and thoracolumbar spine radiography. Vertebral fractures (VFs) and AAC were defined using Genant semiquantitative approach and Kauppila score, respectively. Densitometric osteoporosis and VFs grades 2-3 were detected in almost 40% and 23% of the participants, respectively. Two-thirds of the participants had AAC ≥ 1 while significant atherosclerotic burden (extended AAC, Kauppila score ≥ 5) was seen in 40.6% of the sample. Women with significant atherosclerotic burden were older (P = 0.044) and had lower femoral neck BMD (P = 0.012) when compared to those with an AAC score < 5. Multivariate logistic regression analyses showed that body fat tended to be associated with increased odds of extended AAC in men (OR = 1.06, 95% CI 0.99-1.13, P = 0.099) while femoral neck BMD (0.01g/cm2) was found to be significantly associated with extended AAC in women (OR = 0.95, 95% CI 0.92-0.99; P = 0.018). COPD patients present a very high rate of AAC and its extended phenotype. Easily measured by conventional spine radiography, AAC severity in women with COPD is associated with low bone mass at the femoral neck, a surrogate marker for musculoskeletal fragility.

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