
Precise point positioning (PPP) is an important alternative to real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning for deformation monitoring. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) multi-frequency and multi-system integration can benefit PPP dynamic deformation monitoring due to increased measurement redundancy and facilitated ambiguity resolution (AR). This study investigates the performance of GNSS multi-frequency uncombined (UC) PPP-AR with GPS triple-frequency, BDS-3 triple-frequency, and Galileo five-frequency signals for monitoring high-rate vibrations based on 20-Hz observations from a shaking table. The GNSS multi-frequency UC fractional cycle bias (FCB) estimation method and PPP-AR method are developed. The results of vibration tests indicate that the displacement monitoring accuracy of GPS/BDS-3/Galileo multi-frequency PPP-AR solution is 5.3–8.4 mm. BDS-3 dual-frequency PPP-AR, BDS-3 triple-frequency PPP-AR, and GPS/BDS-3/Galileo multi-frequency PPP-AR solutions improve the accuracy by 8%, 17%, and 46% over the BDS-3 dual-frequency float solutions, respectively. GNSS multi-frequency UC PPP-AR can accurately identify the vibration frequency and amplitude, but the PPP-derived displacement is nosier than that of RTK.

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