
Efficacy of variable high pressure, temperature and time on the browning causing enzymes and microbial activities, which are major spoilage factors during preservation of sugarcane juice, was studied. The juice was processed at 200-600MPa pressure for 2-8min at 40 and 60°C and their effect on polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase as well as microbiological quality in terms of total plate count, yeast and molds and total coliforms was studied. Application of high pressures were found to cause significant decrease in enzymatic and microbial activities. The effects were found to be significantly more pronounced at 60°C as compared to 40°C. Process time also caused significant (p<0.05) negative effect on microbial and enzyme activities. The sugarcane juice treated at 600MPa for 6min at 60°C was found sufficient to inactivate the microbial counts completely. Whereas, enzymes were found to be completely inactivated in the samples processed at 600MPa for 8min at 60°C. A pressure of 600MPa at 60°C for 8min could be applied during commercial preservation of sugarcane juice for getting complete inactivation of browning causing enzymes and spoilage causing microorganisms.

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