
Navel orange juices subjected to high pressure processing (HPP) and temperature treatment (TT) were stored at 4 and 10 °C for up to 12 weeks to establish the shelf-life of such products. The processed juices and a control juice, stored at − 20 °C, were assessed by a trained sensory panel and a consumer acceptance panel at 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks or until such time that the juices were considered unfit for consumption. Untreated juice stored at 4 °C was similarly assessed for up to 2 weeks and untreated juice stored at 10 °C was assessed for up to 1 week. The volatile components of corresponding juices were isolated by SPME and the extracts were analyzed by GC–MS. Twenty key aroma compounds were selected for quantification and these data were used to monitor the change in volatile content of the juices during storage. The study showed that the odor and flavor of the HPP juice was acceptable to consumers after storage for 12 weeks at temperatures up to 10 °C. However, only the TT juice stored at 4 °C was acceptable after the same length of storage. Industrial relevance Orange juice is a sensitive product subject to a high microbial load that can tolerate only moderate heat treatment without the destruction of the product’s delicate aroma and flavor characteristics. High pressure processing at moderate pressures and storage at refrigeration temperatures have been evaluated as means of maximizing microbial inactivation while maintaining consumer acceptability of the product. The sensory and analytical data presented demonstrate that high pressure processing with refrigeration can extend the shelf-life of orange juice while maintaining consumer acceptability.

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