
We have developed techniques for high-pressure in situ structure measurement of low-Z noncrystalline materials with a diamond-anvil cell (DAC) by an x-ray diffraction method. Since the interaction between low-Z materials and x rays is small and the sample thickness in a DAC is also small, the incoherent scattering from the anvils overwhelms the coherent scattering from the sample at a high-Q range. By using a cubic boron nitride gasket to increase the sample thickness and the energy-dispersive x-ray diffraction method with a slit system to narrow the region from which detected x rays are scattered, we can reduce unfavorable effects of the incoherent scattering from the anvils and correct them accurately. We have successfully measured the structure factor of SiO(2) glass in a DAC over a relatively wide range of Q under high pressure.

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