
The 2nd biennial International Society for Sample Environment (ISSE) School included training on high pressure (HP) cells for Soft Matter studies. Neutron research centers are responding to a growing need for HP experimental data, relevant to a broad range of applications in bioscience, biotechnolo gy and others. The importance of disseminating designs and operating protocols, to support concerted efforts towards the advancement of sample environment instrumentation across research centers, was repeatedly acknowledged at the ISSE school. The liquid insertion HP system for SANS, currently used at the NIST Center for Neutron Research for solutions of biological macromolecules, is described here. Emphasis is placed on the context of subzero temperature studies and the design challenges. The current model of the HP system – HP up to 3.5 kbar and −18°C < T < +80°C – uses sample volumes of 2.7 ml to cover an accessible q-range of 0.001–0.6 Å−1.

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