
This research aims to investigate the effects of physical and chemical reactions on oil recovery during high-pressure air injection (HPAI) in ultra-low permeability reservoirs. The oxidation reaction characteristics of dead oil were investigated using thermal analysis experiments and oxidation tube experiments. Additionally, pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) analysis was employed to simulate the physical and chemical reactions between air and live oil under formation conditions. The results indicated that the fuel deposition (FD) stage exhibited less prominence in light oil due to its lower content of resins and asphaltenes. Additionally, the presence of cuttings impeded the volatilization of lighter components during low-temperature oxidation (LTO) stage, effectively storing fuel required for subsequent high-temperature oxidation (HTO) stage, consequently facilitating a direct transition from LTO to HTO. Notably, the debris derived from the ultra-low permeability reservoirs possesses an enlarged specific surface area, facilitating enhanced contact between the oil and oxygen. This heightened contact effectively reduces the activation energy required for the LTO stage by an appreciable 22.9 kJ/mol. Furthermore, the PVT experiments reveals a quadratic relationship between pressure and viscosity, while a cubic relationship exists between pressure and the expansion rate of crude oil. Moreover, the thermal effects of oxidation reactions and the dissolution of the gas phase have been found to exert a more substantial influence on reducing oil viscosity, in contrast to the oxygen addition reaction and the extraction of lighter components, which have a minor influence on increasing oil viscosity. Lastly, in the context of developing HPAI techniques for ultra-low permeability reservoirs, optimizing the gas injection rate emerges as a viable strategy to effectively enhance oil recovery, provided that the occurrence of gas channeling is effectively mitigated.

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