Focusing on the issue of the malachite green traditional test methods such as large volume, high cost and high complex, this paper proposed a novel multi-channel electrochemical malachite green detection system. Specific recognition properties of malachite green DNA adapter is employed to realize accurate sensing of concentration of malachite green, which can achieve precise detection of malachite green concentration with low noise and high precision. The maximum measurement capability of multi-channel acquisition system is 16 samples in a batch. According to the experimental results, malachite green could be detected quantitatively in the range from 10−3 μg/mL to 10 μg/mL, which performs well in the test of malachite green residues in aquatic product transportation.
Malachite green (MG) is extensively adopted in aquatic transportation and large-scale aquaculture, because of its excellent sterilization characteristics on the water mildew of the fish and fish eggs [1]
It is of great significance to construct a fast, sensitive and convenient residual detection system for MG
It is indicated that the experiment data agrees very well with the data detected by the commercial electrochemical instrument in amperometry
Malachite green (MG) is extensively adopted in aquatic transportation and large-scale aquaculture, because of its excellent sterilization characteristics on the water mildew of the fish and fish eggs [1]. MMeetthhoodd aanndd AArrcchhiitteeccttuurree ooff tthhee MMeeaassuurreemmeenntt SSyysstteemm AA nnoovveell mmeeaassuurreemmeenntt ssyysstteemm iiss eessttaabblliisshheedd ttoo ddeetteecctt tthhee ccoonncceennttrraattiioonn ooff MMGG iinn aaqquuaattiicc ttrraannssppoorrttaattiioonn,, aassshsohwownniniFnigFuirgeu1r.eT1h.e Tsyhsetesmysitsecmomispocsoemd poof s1e6dDNofA1b6ioDseNnAsorbsiaonsednasohrasndan-hdelda helaencdtr-ohcehldemeilceacltrioncshterummiceanl tinwsittrhuma eGntPRwSitmh oaduGlPe.RSThmeodbiuolsee. TThhee eeqquuiivvaalleenntt iimmppeeddaannccee ooff tthhee tthhrreeee--eelleeccttrrooddee ssyysstteemm iiss aallssoo sshhoowwnn iinn FFiigguurree 44. Due to the low MG detection limit, the sensitivity and precision need to be higher This requires the voltage between the working electrode and the reference electrode of the sensor more stable and the reading of the weak induction current produced by the working electrode more accurate. Under the influence of the first-order lag network which is constituted with the input capacitance CS and the feedback resistance R f , it is easy to generate the self-excited oscillation on the current amplifier, thereby restricting its frequency characteristic. 6 of 11 6 of 10 of opDeruaetitoontahleamrelpaltiifiAoe nrfsAihsFi:p G aBmGWfoBAnWF=g th e gain bandwidth (GBW), the open loop gain and the f · A( f ), the feedback capacitance can be calculated: frequency
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