
We demonstrated a high-average-power, narrow-linewidth, quasi-continuous-wave diode-side-pumped 1319 nm Nd:YAG twisted-mode laser oscillator with a linearly polarized TEM00 mode. The resonator is based on a symmetrical convex–convex structure with a two-rod configuration for birefringence compensation, working in a thermally near-unstable cavity. With an optimum cavity length of 940 mm, a 39.4 W linear polarized 1319 nm laser is obtained with a good beam quality of M2 = 1.21 and a linewidth of ~250 MHz, and the corresponding brightness is as high as 1.55 GW cm−2. The laser is operated at a repetition rate of 500 Hz and pulse duration of 150 µs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest output power 1319 nm laser with narrow-linewidth from diode-pumped Nd:YAG lasers, and is the first report on the twisted-mode laser operation at the 1.3 µm region.

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