
Thermonuclear fusion by means of laser beams calls for laser systems with extraordinary properties. These can be characterized under the headings: high power, short pulse, good beam quality and high efficiency. The most powerful systems available today are Nd-glass lasers in the range of 1–2 Terawatts. And laser systems are under construction with a tenfold increased intensity at an energy level of about 100 kJ. Among the very many laser substances there are only three which fulfil the conditions characteristic for high power lasers. These are the Nd-glass-, the CO2- and the iodine-laser. Considering the enormous amount of money necessary to build lasers in the 10 to 100 kJ range one has to look critically at the chances for a further development of these systems. Up to now it seems that none of the three presently available lasers is a candidate which can be employed in a laser fusion reactor. But the exploration and development phase for a new laser — the laser X — will need at least 10 years — according to the bad experience with the other systems. So the next generation of high power lasers to be used for scientific breakeven experiments will either be a Nd-glass-, CO2- or iodine-laser. In this paper the iodine laser will be described in more detail emphasizing its future prospects and its developmental possibilities.KeywordsHigh Power LaserSaturable AbsorberContrast RatioIodine AtomThermonuclear FusionThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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