
Various emitter designs and compositions are investigated to improve the performance and reduce the cost of thermophotovoltaic (TPV) devices. In order to maximize the overall system efficiency of combustion-powered TPV devices, it is desirable to design an emitter system that will provide a high and uniform volumetric heat release producing a high intensity and uniform in-band photons flux, thus enabling reduced size and weight of TPV generators. Quantum Group, Inc. (QGI) has developed a high power density, radiant burner/emitter technology which we have called Advanced Emissive Matrix (AEM). The AEM system is applicable to broad-band and narrow-band TPV approaches. Several AEM combustors-both broad-band and narrow-band-have been built, tested and have consistently demonstrated extremely high power density (up to 30 W/cm3). Radiant emissions greater than 27 W/cm2 were measured from an AEM combustor fired with natural gas at 15% excess air. This level of radiant heat flux enables the utilization of concentrator-type PV cells, which is a method of reducing cost, size and weight of TPV devices. Additionally, it was found that the AEM structure could be engineered to provide a desired radiant emission profile. The influence of the primary combustion parameters on emitter performance will also be presented. Therefore, integration of the narrow-band emitter materials into an AEM combustor results in the delivery of high intensity, selective and uniform photons to the PV cell face that improves TPV device performance.

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