
To increase speed and reliability of operation, multiple computers are replacing uniprocessors and wired-logic controllers in modern robots and industrial control systems. However, performance increases are not attained by such hardware alone. The operating software controlling the robots or control systems must exploit the possible parallelism of various control tasks in order to perform the necessary computations within given real-time and reliability constraints. Such software consists of both control programs written by application programmers and operating system software offering means of task scheduling, intertask communication, and device control. The Generalized Executive for real-time Multiprocessor applications (GEM) is an operating system that addresses several requirements of operating software. First, when using GEM, programmers can select one of two different types of tasks differing in size, called processes and microprocesses. Second, the scheduling calls offered by GEM permit the implementation of several models of task interaction. Third, GEM supports multiple models of communication with a parameterized communication mechanism. Fourth, GEM is closely coupled to prototype real-time programming environments that provide programming support for the models of computation offered by the operating system. GEM is being used on a multiprocessor with robotics application software of substantial size and complexity.

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