
In this contribution we consider large-eddy simulation (LES) using the high-pass filtered (HPF) Smagorinsky model of a spatially developing supersonic turbulent boundary layer at a Mach number of 2.5 and momentum-thickness Reynolds numbers at inflow of ∼4500. The HPF eddy-viscosity models employ high-pass filtered quantities instead of the full velocity field for the computation of the subgrid-scale (SGS) model terms. This approach has been proposed independently by Vreman (Vreman, A. W., 2003, Phys. Fluids, 15, pp. L61–L64) and Stolz et al. (Stolz, S., Schlatter, P., Meyer, D., and Kleiser, L., 2003, in Direct and Large Eddy Simulation V, Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 81–88). Different from classical eddy-viscosity models, such as the Smagorinsky model (Smagorinsky, J., 1963, Mon. Weath. Rev, 93, pp. 99–164) or the structure-function model (Métais, O. and Lesieur, M., 1992, J. Fluid Mech., 239, pp. 157–194) which are among the most often employed SGS models for LES, the HPF eddy-viscosity models do need neither van Driest wall damping functions for a correct prediction of the viscous sublayer of wall-bounded turbulent flows nor a dynamic determination of the coefficient. Furthermore, the HPF eddy-viscosity models are formulated locally and three-dimensionally in space. For compressible flows the model is supplemented by a HPF eddy-diffusivity ansatz for the SGS heat flux in the energy equation. Turbulent inflow conditions are generated by a rescaling and recycling technique in which the mean and fluctuating part of the turbulent boundary layer at some distance downstream of inflow is rescaled and reintroduced at the inflow position (Stolz, S. and Adams, N. A., 2003, Phys. Fluids, 15, pp. 2389–2412).

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