
We introduce a novel Newton–Krylov (NK)-based fully implicit algorithm for solving fluid flows in a wide range of flow conditions—from variable density nearly incompressible to supersonic shock dynamics. The key enabling feature of our all-speed solver is the ability to efficiently solve conservation laws by choosing a set of independent variables that produce a well-conditioned Jacobian matrix for the linear iterations of the global nonlinear iterative solver. In particular, instead of choosing to discretize the conservative variables (density, momentum, total energy), which is traditionally used in Eulerian high-speed compressible fluid dynamics, we demonstrate superior performance by discretizing the primitive variables—pressure–velocity–temperature in the very low-Mach flow limits or density–velocity–temperature/entropy in the shock dynamics range. Moreover, our method allows us to avoid direct inversion of the mass matrix in discrete time derivatives, which is usually an additional source for stiffness, especially pronounced when going to very high-order schemes with non-orthogonal basis functions. Here, we show robust solutions obtained for discontinuous finite element discretization up to seventh-order accuracy. Another important aspect of the solution algorithm is the Advection Upstream Splitting Method (AUSM), adopted to compute numerical fluxes within our reconstructed discontinuous Galerkin (rDG) spatial discretization scheme. The use of the low-Mach modification of the hyperbolic flux operator is found to be necessary for enabling robust simulations of very stiff liquids and metals for Mach numbers below $$M=10^{-5}$$ , which is well known to be very computationally challenging for compressible solvers. We demonstrate that our fully implicit rDG-NK solver with the $${\mathrm{AUSM}}^{+}$$ -up flux treatment produces efficient and high-resolution numerical solutions at all speeds, ranging from vanishing Mach numbers to transonic and supersonic, without substantial modifications of the solution procedures. (At high speed, we add limiting and use a simpler preconditioning of the Krylov solver.) Numerical examples include nearly incompressible constant-property flow past a backward-facing step with heat transfer, low-Mach variable-property channel flow of water at supercritical state, phase change and melt pool dynamics for laser spot welding and selective laser melting in additive manufacturing, and Mach 3 flow in a wind tunnel with a step.

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