
This research quantified frequencies of Neotyphodium infected (E+) tillers and mature seed from field-grown E+ plants of two wild tall fescue accessions from Morocco and Sardinia, Italy. Tiller infection rates were 100% (n = 50 from 10 E+ plants/accession) for each accession and over 99% of the seed (n = 2394) from E+ plants of both accessions harboured viable Neotyphodium endophyte. Germination rates for E+ seed were 93.8% (Morocco accession) and 97.8% (Sardinia). These results indicate that E+ wild tall fescue plants are capable of near perfect vertical transmission of viable endophyte into seed. They also suggest that viable endophyte is retained with current seedregeneration protocols at the USDA-ARS Western Regional Plant Introduction Station, Pullman, Washington USA. Keywords: wild tall fescue, Neotyphodium infection frequencies, vertical transmission

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