
Variation of high molecular weight gluteninsubunits (HMW-GS) at the Glu-1 lociwas studied using SDS-PAGE method in 43advanced lines or cultivars commonly grownin Iran. Fourteen alleles and 21 alleliccompositions were detected. Among the 43bread wheats analysed only five showed aunique HMW-GS composition. The mostfrequent HMW-GS patterns were 2*, 7+8,2+12 and 2*, 17+18, 2+12 which wereobserved in 13 and six cultivars,respectively. In the remainings, each twoto three lines or cultivars showed a commonHMW-GS pattern. Therefore, allelicvariation at Glu-1 loci is of limitedvalue for cultivar identification comparedwith loci controlling gliadins. Sevencultivars were observed to consist of twoto three biotypes with different alleles.In cultivar Mahdavi a biotype showedinactivity at the Glu-B1 locus. Analready reported rare subunit pair'2***+12' at Glu-D1locus was found in cultivar Kavir. Theresults of scoring cultivars for theirquality based on the HMW-GS compositionswith an average score of eight, wasgenerally good. Cultivars Inia, Tajan, andadvanced lines N-75-11 and N-75-15 showedquality score equal to 10, whereas Alamootand C-75-5 showed quality scores equal tofive. The quality of former and latterlines and cultivars were considered highestand lowest, respectively. The resultsobtained in this study are useful inbreeding programs to improve bread makingquality, developing uniformity andimproving heterogeneous cultivars by meansof selection of the best genotypes.

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