
In this study, the complete mitochondrial control region of 48 tambaqui Colossoma macropomum specimens from five localities along a 2200 km transect of the Amazon basin was analysed. High genetic variability was observed in all localities sampled. Analyses of molecular variance indicated that nearly all of the molecular variance was contained within localities, and estimates of gene flow among localities were high. These results suggest that the tambaqui forms a panmictic population along the Solimões‐Amazon River channel and are in agreement with species‐typical behaviour of semi‐migratory movements driven by dispersal for feeding and reproduction during its life cycle. Inspite of the observed high levels of genetic variability and mutation‐drift equilibrium of the mtDNA control region, the tambaqui has experienced a 90% demographic decrease and reduction of size at maturity in the past two decades. Population estimates based on molecular markers therefore do not reflect its current demographic status but rather its status in ecological time.

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