
By the estimation of serum lactate dekthrogerrase (LDH). one may assnme the diagnosis of childhood acute ionphoblastic lenkaanin (ALL). This awe anneal study was aimed at evaluating the level of serum LOH at the initial presentation and to establish it as a diagnostic marker in childhood ALL The study was carried ma in the Paediatric Haematology and Oncology rink Bangabandthe Sheikh Mt& Medical University (BSMMU), Dhaka, during the period from Jamialy 2004 to December 2004 on 69 subjects with age ranging Jinni birth to 15 years irrespective of sex. The SII16. subjects were grouped into group 1: ALL (44)and group 11: healthy control (25). At the initial presentation. haematological investigations (Rh percentage. fond 1913C platelet coma and blast cell percernage)and measurement of. awn LDH nom done in both groups. But only in ALL patients bone Marrow blast cell percentage was done at the initial presentation. At admission. means SD of term LOH level in ALL patients and healthy contras were 2091.911 g 1073.20 and 362.32 x 89.69 Ulf. respectively. h was fraud that serum LOH levels were markedly elevated (more than 900 (UM in 36 (82M) and moderately elevated (upto 900 1U/L) only in eight (18%) ALL patients in the initial presentation. and a ray high serum LOH level was common in children with ALL at diagnosis and indicated a total nIll/011r load. Serum LDH level W. significantly raised in ALL patients than in control group (Pe 0.001). So. the measurement of serum LDH can be accepted as a good and reliable en:y11101k diagnostic marker at childhood ALL.

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