
The combined POLARIS-IRIS Earth orientation time series now span nearly a full cycle of the Chandler-annual beat period, beginning in late 1980. Since April 1985 there is also a nearly continuous coverage of UT1 at daily intervals. We have fit a simple model, consisting of circular 14-month and annual components and a linear drift to the polar motion series, then computed the “along-track” and “cross-track” residuals. Both sets of residuals display structure with amplitudes of tens of milliseconds of arc on time scales of months, but Fourier analysis reveals no significant peaks at shorter periods, including the 40-60 day period found in the UT1 time series.During September, 1986, we introduced a new “quick-look” UT1 time series. The values are typically available within 7 days. The accuracy, which depends strongly on the accuracy of the X and Y pole coordinates used in the computations, ranged from 0.3 to 0.7 milliseconds during the first two weeks, but improved to about 0.1 milliseconds during the latter two weeks of the month. We plan to continue the quick-look UT1 series as a standard product of the IRIS Earth orientation monitoring service.

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