
Metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodiodes with submicron spaced interdigitated Schottky barrier fingers have been developed for applications in monolithic integrated optical receiver circuits capable of detecting a millimeter-wave modulation signal. Each photodetector layer, is designed for optimal absorption about a narrow linewidth centered on a specific wavelength between 700 and 800 nm. The MBE grown layers consist of an Al/sub x/Ga/sub 1-x/As cap layer, to prevent any surface recombination of carriers and to minimize top surface reflections; a thin GaAs absorption layer (375 nm), to achieve a high-frequency response (>39 GHz) by minimizing the collection times of optically generated carriers; and a buried Bragg reflector stack which reflects unabsorbed light back into the GaAs absorption layer. Using this layer design, we are able to fabricate detectors that have millimeter-wave bandwidths without sacrificing quantum efficiency. The measured internal quantum efficiency of an MSM photodiode, fabricated on such a layer structure, was 82% at 5 V and close to 94% at 10 V. >

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