
The high-field magnetization of the new series of B12 icosahedral cluster compounds REB50, TbB44Si0.7, and TbB25 was investigated. REB50 exhibits the first magnetic transition observed for the higher borides. Below 55kOe, the magnetization of the REB50 compounds universally appeared to nearly saturate at around half value of free rare earth (RE) ions. This is of interest since the RE atoms in REB50 have a quasi-one-dimensional arrangement, forming a bond alternating chain, analogous to some Haldane compounds. Measurements up to 280kOe showed no further transition to a higher field state and it was revealed that sizable magnetic anisotropy exists in this new system. Hysteresis was observed in the high-field magnetization curves at 1.7K of another B12 compound TbB25 (TN=2.1K), possibly indicating that the transition is of a different nature from that of REB50.

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