
Due to the limited electric energy requirements ETC-Technologies are investigated by many nations as a first candidate of the electric gun family for realization. The combination of the properties of the ETC plasma-ignition with improved high energy propellants leads to a performance increase of solid propellant guns. Improvement of ignition precision, propellant temperature compensation and access to LOVA propellants are further advantages of an ETC-gun. The paper presents the set-up and the test results of a capacitive high energy density pulsed power supply system being designed and developed at Rheinmetall for ETC gun application. The system consists of a compact 2 MJ/m/sup 3/ capacitor module with semiconducting crowbar diodes, optical triggered thyristor switches and a toroidal pulse forming inductor. For charging a 35 kW switching power supply was developed at Magnet Motor and applied in the system set-up. Controls are provided from a digitized control system with fully automatic firing features. Test results obtained from the operation with a 120 mm ETC-Gun will be presented.

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