
Radiocarbon (14C) analysis is a powerful tool for tracing carbon in the global carbon cycle. Precipitation is a component of the global carbon cycle through which dissolved organic carbon (DOC) enters terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems from the atmosphere. In previous studies, the Δ14C of DOC in rain or snow was negative indicating an input of relatively old organic carbon including fossil fuels, with only a few positive values up to +108‰ showing the signal of recent photosynthesis. However, here we report surprisingly high Δ14C-DOC in bulk precipitation, more than 1000‰ in Seoul, South Korea, especially when the Northwesterly wind blows during winter. In contrast, Δ14C of particulate organic carbon (POC) in bulk precipitation was negative, indicating that the sources of POC and DOC were different. Although the sources of the high Δ14C-DOC are not clear and future studies on them are required, the relatively high Δ14C-DOC in a nearby headwater stream suggests that precipitation DOC has the potential to affect the local carbon cycle, and that stream DOC derived from terrestrial ecosystems could be older than previously thought. The analysis of Δ14C-DOC of precipitation in many other locations is necessary to understand how long carbon stays in terrestrial ecosystems.

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